(a free weblog community server - an alternative for UserLand's Radio Community Server)
(another free weblog community server; one that can run under Apache)
(a blogging tool, written in Python, for Unix and Windows)
(a Windows app to browse XML backups of bzero and Radio weblogs)
(a Python app to create strongly-typed wrappers for C# DataReaders)
(a Blogger API client in Java, made very small thanks to the Thinlet GUI library)
(an inspection tool to help untangle your problems with XML-RPC or other HTTP-based protocols)
(a Python client for the Technorati XML interface)
(a Python client for the Microsoft.com Web Services)
(a 'shared cloud' to categorise weblog posts)
(free weblog hosting)
(somewhere to review coffee and cafés in NZ - using blogging technology)
(who links to who)
(keep track of comments + trackbacks on your Radio weblog)
(talking about web services, blogging, and stuff)
(a tool to turn a bunch of RSS feeds into a plausible-looking blogroll)
(a tool to turn any RSS [0.9x, 1.0, 2.0] or Atom feed into a simple RSS 2.0 feed that any aggregator can handle)
(see also the contents page)
(pictures of Christchurch)
(function pointers in C, interfaces in C++ and Java and delegates in C#, as well as a hack to let you painlessly use delegates in C++)
(learning other languages can give you new insights about the ones you already know)
(one of the more successful lesser-known operating systems; coded from scratch by one guy in Europe)